
Las deliciosas aventuras de los hermanos Roca (Catalan)

Price: €17.95

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Authors: Joan, Josep and Jordi Roca 

Published by Estrella Polar 

Language: Spanish

Cooking is synonymous with home, memories, warmth and shared moments. The kitchen is “fireplace", but also "laboratory", it is the space where we have witnessed the transformation of matter since we were children. A space for full-fledged experimentation and, at the same time, a place where tradition, memories and stories boil.

With the help of El Celler de Can Roca, a benchmark of tradition, innovation and creativity, we will embark on a personal journey through the childhood memories of the three brothers. Each memory will be linked to a recipe that accompanies it and, at the same time, in it we will find revealed some secrets of the science of cooking.

The whole book is an invitation for readers to get to know El Celler de Can Roca up close and create moments of fun and family memories in the kitchen.


Pages: 160. 


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