
El Celler de Can Roca CCR Book

Price: €101.65

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El Celler de Can Roca shines with a new book. A decade later, we gladly compressed a 500-page literary work. A cookbook of conscience and reflection. It explains recipes. It beautifully illustrates our world. Captures the thoughts, emotions and transversal work of our creative fields. It hints at the intangibles. The path of the last ten years has been profitable. We have edited 12 books, generated 12 of our own documentaries, and lived the day-to-day of our restaurant with the consideration of activating projects and expanding creativity with all our strength. We share the tasty cuisine, the sweet magical world, and the passion for wine from a kaleidoscope. Recipes from the three brothers and a whole team committed to excellence. We invite you to enjoy this imposing, thoughtful, tasty book. The natural cycles of our plant world contemplated and cooked from different areas: Terra Endins, Terra Animada, Esperit Roca. A book dedicated to our clients, to Josep Roca Pont and Montserrat Fontané Serra, the origin of everything. Montagud Editors has brilliantly arranged the ingredients provided: the messages and the recipes. The work displays a vast effort from the El Celler de Can Roca and Can Montagud teams, who have demonstrated a great capacity to manage the information received with visual intelligence, immersive photography, and a goldsmith layout.


Publisher: Montagud.

Pages: 560

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