Great, simple, quick and inexpensive ideas to cook with the little we have in the fridge, that even if it seems empty, it sure is half full...
Have you ever cooked a whole chicken and had half of it left over? Have you ever organized a party at home and had leftover chips? Or maybe you've been stood up and where two were going to have dinner, now only one has dinner? Sometimes it is difficult to calculate exact quantities and we end up wasting food that could have been used perfectly. In fact, on average, one third of the food that is cooked every day in the world ends up in the garbage. And the fact is that from the fridge, as from the half-full glass, you can always use the leftovers or that which apparently does not have too much potential as a possible dish. Jordi Roca, together with his nephews Marc and Martí Roca, are the authors and protagonists of this work of great, easy and fun recipes for making the most of them. Extraordinarily creative and simple dishes with surprising ingredients, such as the omelette made with eggs and this festive snack; or the bikinis with leftover chicken in a delicious sandwich; or the hummus with chickpeas from an endless tupper, in which these legumes become an incredible spread; or the Mex pizza, made with the leftover nachos from a pajama party...
With “La Nevera Medio Llena” you will discover with Jordi, Marc and Martí a new way of cooking, but, above all, of enjoying and making the most of it... Are you joining the party?
Authors: Jordi, Marc & Martí Roca.
Publisher: Planeta Gastro.