
Rock Tea Gin

Price: €95.00



Presenting a gin that embodies our country’s most jagged landscape, distilled in a wine spirit made of Parellada and Ugni Blanc grapes from Penedès. We go into the Pyrenees to pick the violet juniper berries. There, growing in the stone crevices of the harshest terrains is the botanical that makes our minimalist gin unique: rock tea, with its many healing properties. Jasonia glutinosa is an aromatic plant popularly used in the Mediterranean to make liqueurs, ratafia and herbal teas, with digestive properties.

Fruity, floral, resinous, balsamic and mild, this gin is made with only two botanicals: Pyrenees juniper berries with a radiant quality and woody notes; and rock tea with a very special camphor aroma. The Parellada-Ugni Blanc wine spirit from Penedès is the ideal backdrop for the balanced burst of flavour of these botanicals.


50 cl

Alc. 40,5% Vol.

Distilled gin

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